
3 Day Detox Cleanse (Paleo, GF, AIP, V)

· A healthy jumpstart for your body ·

October 17, 2017 Comments Off on 3 Day Detox Cleanse (Paleo, GF, AIP, V)

Sometimes our bodies feel clogged up and gross and we have trouble losing that little bit of extra weight or have some built up inflammation from recent bad eating, medications, or whatever else is going on. This cleanse is a great way to have a little restart and start feeling well again!

I finally have a spare moment to write up this detox. It’s crazy how life just catches up to you and doesn’t stop for a min. I’ve had a lot of people asking me for the recipe and instructions for this so I decided to write up this one before my others. It’s reallyΒ simple and you don’t need a fancy juicer. In fact, I just bought a $40 one offΒ amazon like 5 years ago and it’s still going strong.

What I like to do before every juicing session is to make sure I lube up the blades with some oil. You can use sweet almond oil, olive oil, or avocado oil. Anything you don’t mind being in your drink. I just put a little drizzle along the blade to ensure good juicing. Also, try to chop everything into chunks so your juicer doesn’t have to work so hard to process it. Alternate putting the juicer things like apples between the less juicyΒ things like spinach and pour a little filtered water in the juicer every once in awhile to help get all the yumminess from your juicing.

Each days recipe makes enough for about 64oz of juice which you can store in glass containers in the fridge. You will be drinking 8oz of juice every hour for 8 hours and 8oz (or more) of water every half hour. Eating (drinking) within this 8 hour time frame is called intermittent fasting. You can have food at the end of the 8 hours as your last meal but keep it easily digestible and clean. Think baked chicken and greens or sweet potatoes. Personally, the juice filled me up all day and I was usually too full to eat solid food.

Fair warning:Β You will pee SO MUCH the first day. And only a lot the 2nd day. Then a regular amount the 3rd day, haha.

Day 1: Greens

  • 4 apples

  • 2 cucumber

  • 1 handful parsley

  • 2 handfuls spinach

  • 4 stalks of kale

  • 3 stalks of celery

  • 1 lemon

  • 1 knob of fresh ginger

Day 2: Colon Cleanse

  • 1 small beet

  • 3 stalks of celery

  • 1 handful of celery

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 knob of ginger

  • 2 lemons

  • 10 romaine lettuce leaves

  • 1 handful of spinach

  • 15 carrots


Day 3: Liver & Kidney Flush

  • 10 apples

  • 1 beet

  • 3 stalks of celery

  • 1 handful of spinach

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 lemon

  • 15 carrots

  • pure cranberry juice instead of filtered water to help get the extra remains


Make one recipe a day. If you make it all at once it will spoil or taste weird before you have a chance to drink it. If you’re a busy mom like myself, I find the best time to do it is right before bed in large voss bottles to take with to work. It’s very important to avoid all alcohol and caffeine while on this cleanse. If you start to fall off the wagon and really just want to cave and eat something else, try to keep in mind it’sΒ only 3 days and you can totally do this. Your body will feel a lot different and you will drop any inflammation and/or water retention your body has been stubbornly holding onto.
